SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_system` [ RunTime:0.013494s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_link` [ RunTime:0.013638s ]
SELECT * FROM `sdy_system` WHERE `site_id` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.013172s ]
SELECT COUNT(*) AS think_count FROM `sdy_link` WHERE `link_type` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.012972s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_script_price_type` [ RunTime:0.013292s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_script_copyright_buy` [ RunTime:0.013369s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_script_message` [ RunTime:0.013468s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_income_pay_log` [ RunTime:0.013408s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_news` [ RunTime:0.013493s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_script` [ RunTime:0.013512s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_script_cate` [ RunTime:0.013248s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_script_chapter` [ RunTime:0.013363s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_script_read` [ RunTime:0.013452s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_comment` [ RunTime:0.013449s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_user` [ RunTime:0.013732s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_xzlog` [ RunTime:0.013393s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_real_card` [ RunTime:0.013410s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_user_vip` [ RunTime:0.013297s ]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `sdy_celebrity_topic` [ RunTime:0.013429s ]
SELECT * FROM `sdy_script` WHERE `sp_id` = 925 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.013099s ]
SELECT * FROM `sdy_user` WHERE `user_id` = 924 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.013119s ]
SELECT COUNT(*) AS think_count FROM `sdy_comment` `c` LEFT JOIN `sdy_user` `u` ON `u`.`user_id`=`c`.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `sdy_script` `s` ON `s`.`sp_id`=`c`.`sp_id` LEFT JOIN `sdy_script_chapter` `sc` ON `sc`.`sch_id`=`c`.`sch_id` LEFT JOIN `sdy_celebrity_topic` `ct` ON `ct`.`topic_id`=`c`.`topic_id` WHERE `c`.`com_status` = '1' AND `s`.`sp_id` = '925' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.013430s ]
SELECT `c`.*,`u`.*,`s`.`sp_id`,`s`.`sp_title`,`ct`.`topic_id`,`ct`.`topic_title`,`sc`.`sch_num`,`sc`.`sch_title` FROM `sdy_comment` `c` LEFT JOIN `sdy_user` `u` ON `u`.`user_id`=`c`.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `sdy_script` `s` ON `s`.`sp_id`=`c`.`sp_id` LEFT JOIN `sdy_script_chapter` `sc` ON `sc`.`sch_id`=`c`.`sch_id` LEFT JOIN `sdy_celebrity_topic` `ct` ON `ct`.`topic_id`=`c`.`topic_id` WHERE `c`.`com_status` = '1' AND `s`.`sp_id` = '925' ORDER BY `com_id` DESC LIMIT 0,100 [ RunTime:0.014542s ]
SELECT * FROM `sdy_script_chapter` WHERE `sp_id` = 925 ORDER BY `sch_id` ASC [ RunTime:0.013176s ]
SELECT COUNT(*) AS think_count FROM `sdy_script_message` LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.013008s ]
SELECT * FROM `sdy_script_message` ORDER BY `msg_id` DESC LIMIT 0,15 [ RunTime:0.013085s ]
SELECT * FROM `sdy_script_message` WHERE `msg_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.012836s ]
SELECT * FROM `sdy_script_price_type` WHERE `spt_id` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.014291s ]
SELECT * FROM `sdy_user` WHERE `user_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.012976s ]
SELECT * FROM `sdy_real_card` WHERE `user_id` = 924 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.013014s ]